New Marketplace Listings: Custom Login/Logout, Password Reset, and Snippets for New Grids Features

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New Marketplace Listings: Custom Login/Logout, Password Reset, and Snippets for New Grids Features

Check out our new Marketplace listings designed to help you accelerate and better manage universal application styles and learn how to use the enhanced grids features (featured in our recent Platform Spring Release):

  • The Dynamic Index - How To and Grid Syntax and Output - How To snippets are foundational in helping you learn about the enhanced grids features. By diving into these completed modules, you can quickly understand how to best leverage the grid system in application builds.
  • Take advantage of the expanded universal application settings quicker with Marketplace’s newest snippets for Custom LoginCustom Logout, and Password Reset. Creators can save these snippets as modules to connect to their existing applications. Using the custom login, logout, and password reset modules, creators can easily extend their functionality to fit any application’s needs or branding, replacing the default hardcoded pages for these styles.

If you have ideas or requests for new Marketplace snippets, templates, or integrations, you can submit them as Ideas here on the Community Hub: 


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