Now Available: 7.18.0 Unqork Platform Release Notes -- Introducing Dark Mode and the Vega Chart Component
We are excited to share details of the upcoming 7.18 release of the Unqork Platform!Review the 7.18.0 Platform Release Notes for full details, including dates for Staging, UAT, and Production releases across the release cohorts for Early Release, Generally Available, and Exception. Release Notes SummaryRelease Highlights UDesigner Dark Mode Vega Chart Component UDesigner Parity Bulk Data Operations (BDO) Centauri Runtime Classic Designer UDesigner Vega Visual Query BuilderRelease Highlights UDesigner Dark ModeUDesigner now offers new color themes to the Unqork platform. After logging into your environment, use the Experience Dark Mode tile in the UDesigner homepage’s Discovery section. Vega Chart Component[S]ome common examples of when to use the Vega Chart component: To display a scatter plot to track the number of sales for each sales agent in your department. To display a pie chart to show the percentages of end-user submissions. To display a bar graph that shows product consumption by demographic. UDesigner ParityWith this release, UDesigner now supports the an additional 13 Classic Designer components with a new look and feel. Details in the release notes. Bulk Data Operations (BDO)Enhancement to Bulk Data Operation: Delete.Centauri RuntimeEnhancements to Browser Storage component Bug fixes for these components: Data Workflow Decisions Plug-in Classic DesignerEnhancement: New Read Only setting for these components: Address v1 Address Search Data Input Email Bug fixes: Module Builder Canvas Decisions component UDesignerEnhancements: Component Notes Logic components Module Builder Performance, Canvas, and Outline Search Plug-In component Transforms Bug fixes: Application and Module Creation Application Settings Application Versioning Comments Data Workflow component Decisions component Module Path Module Settings Snippets VegaEnhancements: Events Perfeormance Simple Select component Vega Table component Bug fixes: Button component Dynamic refresh Execute Module API Focus operation HTML Element component iFrame component Map Keys operator Merge operator Radio Buttons componeent Remote Executes Set Property operation Visual Query BuilderEnhancements: Added new functionality to build lookups and unions when creating queries. New Projections field to determine which fields they want included in the response. For more information and full details, review the 7.18.0 Unqork Platform Release Notes.