
Professional Certification Exams and Professional Bootcamp are Live!

Update type: Academy
Professional Certification Exams and Professional Bootcamp are Live!

In our last Enablement focused post, we announced changes to our certification program and released the Associate Certification Exam. We’re excited to add the Professional Certification Exam as well!

Professional Certification Exam

Similar to the Associate Exam, the exam contains 60 multiple choice questions that exam takers will have 105 minutes to complete. To prepare and register for the Professional Exam, please read through the instructions here.

The price of this exam is $200 per attempt.

Professional Bootcamp 

Additionally, we are so excited to officially announce that Professional Bootcamp is live!

Professional Bootcamp will prepare you to take the Professional Certification Assessment and configure applications at a Professional level. It will cover topics such as API architecture, advanced troubleshooting, intermediate Data Workflow operators, and more.

In contrast to the current Associate-level Bootcamp, this program has a flexible schedule to allow you to complete the course content over a period of one to three weeks. This program also includes a comprehensive one-week capstone project where you’ll have the opportunity to work with a group of your peers.

The price of this program is $2,500 per participant.  

To purchase bulk vouchers at a discount or register for Professional Bootcamp, please speak to your Unqork representative.

The Enablement Team

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