Solved Question

How can we track Monthly reputation score card.

  • 8 September 2021
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +10

Hey guys,
I am not able to find the monthly score card option in Community Hub like we were having in stack, can any body guide me on this. also Is there any way we can track the reputation points for each reply?

@Colton Beach 


Solved by Christopher Guzmán 8 September 2021, 16:04

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3 Replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Currently, we can track reputation points on the Community Hub Weekly, and for All Time, using the Reputation Leaderboard.


Our Unqork Community team has opened up a support ticket, and is working with the provider of our Community Hub platform, to ask if they can provide additional reputation tracking options to us—similar to what we were used to having previously. We’ll have to wait for future updates to the Community Hub for those potential changes to be implemented.

I think @Colton Beach already requested for the new feature ‘This Month’ to be added next to the current score card ‘This week’ and ‘All Time’. 

For now, you can track your points based on below criteria.

1. Author marks your answer with solved checkmark 15 points
2. Another creator upvotes your answer 10 points
3. When you answer/reply to each open question is 3 points
4. when your upvote a question/answer - 1 point


Userlevel 6
Badge +10

Currently, we can track reputation points on the Community Hub Weekly, and for All Time, using the Reputation Leaderboard.


Our Unqork Community team has opened up a support ticket, and is working with the provider of our Community Hub platform, to ask if they can provide additional reputation tracking options to us—similar to what we were used to having previously. We’ll have to wait for future updates to the Community Hub for those potential changes to be implemented.

Thanks Chris,
There is one more thing I observed that when you click on All Time the rank you will see here is (+4) than what you can see  on Show More at the bottom of All Time.