Contributing to our Unqork Community earns you points, badges, and recognition. Most activities on - or related to - the community earn you points.
As your points accumulate, you may earn badges and recognition, including badges for finishing with the top 3 on the leaderboard within a certain time frame.
In this article…
Tracking Your Points
The Unqork Community Leaderboard is the primary way to track your points. There are views for This Week and All Time. A condensed version of the leaderboard is available on the community home page as a widget along the right side.
You can also check your points within any custom timeframe via a simple Unqork app. You’ll find it as a quick link near the top of the community (only visible when logged-in).
Leaderboard Badges
Weekly Leaderboard Badges
After the conclusion of each week, badges are issued to the top 3 contributor. Each badge can has 5 versions, upgrading at 5, 10, 15, and 20 times.
Monthly Leaderboard Badges
After the conclusion of each month, we publish an Updates blog with top 10 leaderboard for the month, including who earned the badges for finishing in the top 3.
There is also a badge for the most answers provided within the month.
Each of these badges upgrades as you earn it multiple times and gift cards are awarded as a thank you to our top contributors.
Additionally, Record Holder Badges are awarded the current and previous holders of the records for points and answers within a specific month.
Points Record | Points Record | Answers Record | Answers Record |
Annual Leaderboard Badges
After the conclusion of each calendar year, badges are awarded to the top 10 contributors and gift cards are awarded as a thank you for their contributions.
(Note: the Top 10 badge is only awarded to #4-10, the top 3 get gold, silver, or bronze.)
Community Guidelines
All points, badges, and recognition are subject to our Community Guidelines, including review and moderation the Unqork Community team.
Creators are expected to engage fairly and to refrain from any activities designed to artificially or unfairly inflate points.
Direct - or even suspected - violation of these guidelines may result in points, badges, and other benefits being revoked or altered.