This article has been updated to reflect the change from Unqork Swag to Gift Cards upon earning each level of this badge, as well as other small updates.
Last September, we launched Featured Questions to help improve your Q&A experience.
As a result, we’ve dramatically improved our Q&A answer rate (up 30%!) and response rate. Additionally, 140+ (57%) of Featured Questions were marked as answered, an incredible improvement on questions that had previously gone without any reply.
Introducing Answer Hero Badges!
One year later, it’s time to recognize those contributing to this success and incentivize continued participation.
Now, when you provide the answer for Featured Questions, you progress towards earning Answer Hero badges. Additionally, you will receive a digital gift card to show our appreciation for solving these questions that need extra attention.
Finally, when you reach Level 5 with 25 answers to Featured Questions, we’ll recognize the tremendous impact you’ve made with a special Level on your profile and Community Leaderboard, as well as an exclusive Credly badge you can add to your Linkedin.
This level shows behind your Username on your profile and on your community posts.
You’ll see the question featured with a bookmark icon in the activity feeds and a slightly different color. When you’re on the question page, you’ll see the Featured label at the top.