It’s time for another check-in on the latest news from our Unqork Community.
In this update (click to jump ahead)
July 2022 Highlights
">Community Contribution Portal

Thanks to the great work of our Community and Customer Success Intern,
Learn more here:
Fun fact: Zander built this all on Unqork with no prior application development experience, demonstrating how quickly you can learn Unqork and quickly get to value with working applications!

We celebrated the first anniversary of the Unqork Marketplace in multiple ways. First, we announced new features and listings added to the Marketplace.
Next, we held a Marketplace Takeover of our monthly Success Hour event, featuring an overview of Marketplace news and demos on four Community-inspired Marketplace listings. You can access the recording here on the Community Hub, here on YouTube, or see the use case demos in our Use Case Showcase forum.

">Twice-Weekly Livestreams on Twitch

We had our busiest month of streaming yet with our Success Hour simulcast on Twitch and 7 additional episodes with our Chief Evangelist,
Upvote Webinar Topic Requests 
Do you have a topic you’d like to see covered on a future event? You can submit your ideas any time; just be sure to select Community as the category for your idea.
">Happening in August

As always, stay tuned to our Updates blog for news and announcements, but here are a number of highlights you can expect over the next few weeks.

Last week, we announced our second Community Hackathon. This asynchronous competition will run through August 26. This time, the challenge is to build a working application leveraging our enhanced grid system. Everything you need to know can be found on the event page and FAQ article below.
All Hackathon participants will earn at least 100 points. Sign up today!

We already have the full slate of best practice and use case demos lined up for this month’s Success Hour. In addition to configuration tips that will help improve application performance, we’ll demo two of the newest Marketplace listings.
More information and registration:

Our Twitch schedule will be a bit lighter this month, but still full of fun and helpful content. The theme for August is “APIs with IPAs.” Each Thursday, join us at 4:30pm ET (note the new time) with an IPA or beverage of your choice as The Uncoder explores a new API each week. You can see the first session, leveraging the Twitch API, here.
">New Badges to Showcase Community Contributions

Before we get to our monthly celebration of the amazing contributions from our community members, I’m happy to share a preview of an exciting announcement I’ll be sharing later this week.
Now, when you finish in the top 3 in points earned for a month, you’ll receive a special badge to showcase our accomplishment. There will also be different versions of the badges to recognize when a Creator has earned that badge across multiple month. We’ll also have badges to recognize the most answers contributed in a month, as well as all-time records for most points and most answers earned within a month.
These badges help recognize contributions to our Community and showcase your expertise. In the future, we plan to build out Community Hub profiles further to help you better connect and network with Unqork Creators.
Stay tuned to the Updates blog for more details soon!
Extended Indefinitely: Today I Learned Challenge
In June, I introduced another way to earn points by sharing the insights you learn as you build on Unqork. In July, we extended the challenge and doubled the points. While there has yet to be many posts of this type, it’s still a valuable way for anyone to contribute, so I’m extending this offer indefinitely as another way for you to earn points and progress toward SME status.
">Congratulations to our newest Subject Matter Experts!

As you contribute, you also progress towards earning SME status: the top recognition on our community.
In July, FOUR Creators surpassed the 20 answers threshold in addition to earning 200+ points for three months.
@Mansi Wadhwani @Nagarjun_Chitteti @only amar @Srikanth Dommati
Please join me in congratulating and thanking them for all they contribute to our community!
On the Path to SME Status
These Creators are almost there!
@Ashlin felix.R - 2 months with 200+ points; 18 solved answers@vamsi krishna - 2 months with 200+ points; 6 solved answers
Getting Started
These 3 Creators passed the 200 point threshold for the first time.
@diksha @Eric Thomas Ma
Show your gratitude and help them reach SME status by upvoting their helpful replies and marking answers when they solve your question.

We continue to see new records for points earned in a month as Creators compete to earn the most points and earn SME status.
July points leaders 
@Srikanth Dommati 1083 - earns new gold badge@Mansi Wadhwani 1055 - earns new sliver badge@Madhurika Belsare 601 - earns new bronze badge@only amar 500@vamsi krishna 483@Nagarjun_Chitteti 453@Ashlin felix.R 378@Shivkumar Hemke 304@Magesh Kumar 265@diksha 252

How do you get to the top of the leaderboard and SME status? Answering questions!
@Mansi Wadhwani 10 - earns new badge for most answers in a month@Srikanth Dommati 8@Ashlin felix.R 8@Ranghanathan 7@Kristen Stilwell 5
Feedback welcome 
With that, what do you think? Share your feedback in the replies or please contact me directly with a message on the Community Hub or at
Or better yet? Submit an idea for our Community here on the Community Hub!