Points Update: You Now Receive 5 Points for Creating a Post

Update type: Community
Points Update: You Now Receive 5 Points for Creating a Post

When you take the time to post on the Community Hub, you add value by helping build our knowledge base. It’s time to recognize and reward that value by awarding points for your contributions.

Background and Context

To date, we have had one primary community forum: Platform Q&A. This forum is dedicated to questions, so our points were geared towards replies, upvotes, and answers.

However, we will soon launch new forums for posting and discussing topics that are not as binary as Q&A. We want you to be able to post a blog, share your point of view, or start an open-ended conversation on topics that might not have one set answer.

You will see previews of these new forums in the change from “Ask a Question” to “Create a Post” on the button in the navigation menu. There you can also select to create a post or submit an idea. More to come soon, so subscribe to our Latest Updates blog or check back later this month. 

Value in Sharing Your Work

Whether you post a blog, start a conversation thread, ask a question about the platform, or submit an idea, we will now award 5 points for creating posts on the community.

You add value when you share your experience with others. This way, other Creators can benefit from your experience when they find your question or post on the Community Hub. 

So take the time to post your questions on the Community Hub, especially if you were able to answer your own question. Post the question and reply with how you solved it. You’ll get the points for the question itself and for sharing the answer (not to mention the points from upvotes other Creators give you). Here’s a great example from earlier today. 

These points also count towards the 200+ points required to become a Subject Matter Expert. However, please avoid spamming our forum with unnecessary questions. We take your success seriously and have staff and SMEs that dedicate time towards replying to your posts; please do not waste their time. (After all, there’s a quality control measure in our SME status, you need to have answered at least 20 questions all-time; points alone will not get you there.)

And stay tuned for the other new ways you can share your lessons learned, use cases, best practices, and points of view with our community. 

As always, we value your feedback. So reply below or reach out at community@unqork.com with your questions and input. 



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