This month, a few small improvements to your Unqork Community experience have launched:
Unmark Answers
While we built a work around for this 18 months ago, our community platform vendor released an improvement to make this process much simpler.
Now, the same button you use to mark a reply as the answer to your question can be used to unmark an answer. Once the answer is marked, the button changes to look like this:

This functionality is only visible when you are the orginal author of the question. (However, SMEs and Admins also have this capability.)
Notes: This change brings some additional adjustments to your experience.
- We’ve renamed the “Solved” button to “Best Answer”
- The “Best Answer” button now persists, even after an answer has been marked. If you click “Best Answer” on another reply, it switches the answer to the new reply.
New Recognition Overview (Points, Badges, and More)
Our article explaining how to earn points, badges, recognition, and rewards had grown quite long and complex. We have also added new ways to contribute and corresponding recognition for top contributors. For example:
And more are planned to launch in the coming months.
So we built this new overview page to better explain and organize the many ways you can contribute, along with the various ways we recognize and reward contributions.
Updated Open Questions Page
The Open Questions quick link on the community home page now links to new resource helping organize and prioritize the questions that still need help.
- Featured Questions* show at the top, highlighting those questions offering bonus points.
- Questions without Replies* show on the top right sidebar, highlighting those that have not yet received any response.
- Open Questions now shows the questions ordered by most recently asked, rather than most recent activity (as those questions are more likely to be closer to being solved).
*These widgets only show when questions meet the criteria. If you don’t see them, it means there are not any Featured Questions or questions without replies.
If you preferred the old view of the Open Questions page, it’s still available here and linked at the bottom of the Open Questions widget on this new resource.
Recent Answers are also included
As an additional feature, this page also includes the mostly recently answered questions as a sidebar widget.
Some have requested this feature in the past, plus it’s a new way to sharpen your skills by reviewing solutions to questions others’ have asked.
New Open Questions page with the features described above