
Answered Questions will Close for Commenting after One Week

Update type: Community
Answered Questions will Close for Commenting after One Week

Earlier this month, we began rolling out a small user experience improvement on the Unqork Community Hub. 

Now, questions with a marked answer become closed for commenting one week after the answer is marked. You will still be able to like replies, but you will not be able to reply on the thread. More details below. 


Why close comments? 

We noticed a trend of follow-up questions on many of our thousands previously answered questions. Often times these follow-up comments and related questions go unaddressed; this is likely due to: 

  • Question displays as answered in activity feeds, thus Creators are less likely to click into the thread to see the response (and thus, help respond).
  • Creators who participated in the original thread may no longer be active.
  • Following a new conversation on a previously answered thread can be confusing; others may not know whether the follow-up has been answered. 

That’s not the experience we want you to have when you’re looking for answers in the Unqork Community. Now, when you view a previously answered question, a message will show letting you know if commenting has been closed. 

What if I have a related question? 

We recommend you create a new question, referencing the previous question. If the question is recent, it might be helpful to @ mention the Creator who provided the accepted answer. 

  • New questions have a 99% probability of receiving at least one helpful reply, and we typically see monthly averages of 75-80% of questions solved. 
  • New questions benefit from incentives like Featured Questions, Answer Hero, and Problem Solver badges. 
  • We want to recognize and reward the Creators who help answer your questions, especially if they are pursuing SME status. Answering your question earns them at least 20 points. 

What if I need the thread re-opened?

If the question was incorrectly marked as solved or if there’s a new insight to share, you can use the flagging feature (the *** menu in the bottom right) to flag the post and request it re-open. 

Why one week? 

This allows time for follow-up questions and comments, whether it be a “thank you!” reply, a clarifying question, or an additional insight to share. 



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